
Shaping Industry & Society Beyond 5G

September 21 – 22, 2021 • Virtual Event
Tier 1 Sponsors:

6GSymposium Sessions

DAY 1:

April 2021

The New Industrial Revolution & 6

What 6G Is & Isn’t: Vision, KPIs, Services, Requirements

What Does 6G Need to Deliver to Other Industries?

From Network Ownership Centricity to Service-Oriented Networks

Verticals-Centric Network Operations

A 6G Digital Society for Europe?

DAY 2:

May 2021

Global 6G Initiatives

Data Sharing, Privacy & Consent in the World of 6G

The Standardisation Roadmap

The Spectrum Roadmap

Research, Design & Innovation for the 6G World

Satellite & Non-Terrestrial Networks

6G Networks

AI, Machine Learning & Intelligent Edge

6G Radio