
Tim O’Shea

Co-Founder & CTO, DeepSig Inc

Tim is leading the development of new radio access network technologies at DeepSig which make 5G smarter, more efficient, performant, and secure and are paving the way for a revolutionary new end-to-end learning driven 6G radio access layer. His focus has been on re-thinking both physical layer communications and spectrum sensing software & techniques from a data-driven end-to-end optimization approach leveraging the wave of powerful deep learning techniques which has transformed other industries and is rapidly transforming communications systems. He is the inventor of over 20 patents in this emerging area, is a senior contributor to the GNU Radio Project, early stage technical consultant to Hawkeye-360, Federated Wireless, and PFP CyberSecurity, Senior Member of the IEEE, Editor for IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications & IEEE TCCN, and Co-chair for the IEEE Machine Learning for Communications Emerging Technology Area . He received his PhD from Virginia Tech and his BS/MS in Electrical Engineering from NC State University. He was previously a senior engineering researcher for the US DOD, and formerly with Cisco Systems.