MIMO|SRG|Ericsson|c-band : SK Telecom and Intel Announce Delay Reduction Tech for 6G

SK Telecom and Intel Announce Delay Reduction Tech for 6G

SK Telecom announced it developed a core network internal communication delay reduction technology for 6G in partnership with Intel. 

According to the South Korean telco, the “Inline Service Mesh” technology, developed in a joint study between the two companies, improved the speed of communication within the core network by performing communication between each function module without a proxy.

When applying this technology to 6G core architectures, communication latency in the core network can be reduced by up to 70%, while service efficiency can be increased by about 33%. The company argues that this technology will enable a wide range of AI and advanced services to be serviced in various forms.

The core network is a gateway through which all voice and data traffic generated by customers’ mobile devices is accessed to the Internet network. It is also a mobile communication service exchange system that integrates various devices for security and service quality.

The finding is a direct result of previous work in the field. In 2022, SK Telecom started commercialising a core network connectivity improvement technology that reduces wireless resources by 40%. 

“As a result of continuous technology development cooperation with Intel to lead the 6G field, we have achieved another technological milestone,” Ryu Tak-gi, SK Telecom’s spokesperson in charge of infrastructure technology, said. “We will continue to conduct further research and commercialisation efforts on 6G core architecture based on AI.”

Dan Rodriguez, head of Intel’s Network Edge Solutions Group, also celebrated the accomplishment, pointing out that “we will continue our efforts to leverage the AI capabilities built into the latest Xeon processors to modernise our core network and to improve performance and efficiency.” 

Featured image courtesy of SK Telecom




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