Exclusives : FCC Kicks Off Security Council with AI at Centre and 6G in Mind

FCC Kicks Off Security Council with AI at Centre and 6G in Mind

The building where the FCC is located in Washington, D.C. The body is looking into 6G

The Federal Communications Commission (FCC) has officially launched its 9th Communications Security, Reliability, and Interoperability Council (CSRIC). Last Friday, CSRIC members held the group’s first meeting.

The most recurrent topic, by far, was artificial intelligence. Several Commission officers shared concerns about the security threats the malicious use of AI poses to society.

“How can we harness AI for good?” asked Debra Jordan, Chief of the Public Safety and Homeland Security Bureau at FCC.

“The CSRIC members will examine how the FCC and the industry can promote sound policies and practices that leverage AI to support public safety, network security, and resilience while also preventing and mitigating harms associated with the use of AI.”

Sanford Williams, Deputy Chief of Staff at the FCC, was another one to address potential challenges for regulating how individuals and companies apply AI as the technology evolves. For example, he highlighted how generative AI can already mislead users by using deep fake techniques.

“The integration of AI and communication technologies is transformative. However, the rapid deployment of AI communications networks presents significant regulatory challenges,” Williams said. “The FCC must address these issues related to network security, data privacy and ethical use of AI.”

FCC Looking Ahead

If AI was considered an immediate concern, the FCC highlighted 6G as a longer-term priority during the meeting. One of the Council’s working groups must provide early recommendations from stakeholders that “will lead to more secure and reliable 6G networks and services.”

The inclusion of the topic caused some well-humoured reactions during the meeting. “I feel like we just got to 5G, but we want to be forward-looking. And so, hey, no pressure,” Jordan joked.

Much more serious this time, she added that “as we look ahead to 6G, members of CSRIC are charged with developing a plan for more secure and reliable 6G networks and services that minimise risks.”

Suzon Cameron, the FCC’s Designated Federal Officer, was another one to highlight the importance of looking into 6G this early in the process.

“6G is expected to result in orders of magnitude improvements in network speed and latency, enabling capabilities that cause distinctions between the physical and cyber worlds to fade,” she said.

“We would like to see recommendations that talk about how an early foray into examining and addressing the potential security and liability risks in emerging 6G networks and services can be handled,” Cameron pointed out.

“The Chairwoman [Jessica Rosenworcel] is asking the Council to develop a plan for developing and deploying reliable and secure 6G networks and services that minimise privacy risks,” she finished.

The next Council meeting is scheduled for September 17.




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