Agentic AI – What it is and the Ramifications

When 6GWorld spoke to Chetan Dube, the Chairman and CEO of Quant, about agentic AI we were not expecting to hear the phrase “Universal Basic Income” or squabble about artificial intelligences competing for jobs. Nevertheless, the possibilities of the technology have some quite far-reaching implications. But first, some fundamentals… What is Agentic AI? For those […]

np-Hard Problems, Storks, Energy and Memory: Resilience at National Scale

The role of communications technologies for national security is hard to overstate, as platforms not just for communicating person-to-person but to enable cyber-physical systems, information and financial movements. Having said that, up until now the role of government in mandating how it works has been limited. In 6G, however, governments around the world have required […]

6G, Open RAN, CU and DU: interview Paul Sutton

In this interview with Paul Sutton, CEO of Software Radio Systems, the executive talks about Open RAN, distributed and central units, moves in the market, and more. He spoke with 6GWorld during the 6GSymposium Fall 2024.

Guest Post: AI and ML in Next-Gen Networks Enhancing Efficiency and Performance

Post contributed by Miles Oliver Artificial intelligence (AI) programs like ChatGPT, Gemini, and Microsoft Copilot have made headline news in recent years, as millions of people have tapped into the power of generative AI to produce copy, create graphics, and check code. However, AI and machine learning (ML) can do far more than simply serve […]