Job Openings Offer Sneak Peek of 6G Research at Google, Volvo

It is no surprise that companies such as operators (AT&T, BT, SKT), suppliers (Ericsson, Nokia), and measurement folks (Keysight, R&S) have made several 6G announcements in the past years. It is interesting to see where their research is going – but it is equally intriguing when a player from another field makes their intentions public. […]

McKinsey Sees 6G as Tech Trend, but Monetisation Still a Question Mark

Management consulting firm McKinsey has listed 6G as one of the underlying technologies that will enable advanced connectivity. According to the company’s latest report, “Technology Trends – Outlook 2024”, the next generation of mobile internet will play an important role in the future of communications. “5G and 6G cellular technologies [will] provide high-bandwidth, low-latency connectivity […]

US to Invest $ 1.6 Billion in Advanced Packaging Research

The US Department of Commerce announced it will open competition for funding to conduct research in semiconductor advanced packaging. The R&D activities will be held under the CHIPS program, and will aim to establish and accelerate domestic capacity. According to the Department’s Notice of Funding Opportunity (NOFO), the budget should reach around $1.6 billion. Each […]