The Roadmap of Communication and Networking in 6G for the Metaverse – IEEE

This paper aims to depict the roadmap to the Metaverse in terms of communication and networking in 6G, including illustrating the framework of the Metaverse, revealing the strict requirements and challenges for 6G to realize the Metaverse, and discussing the fundamental technologies to be integrated in 6G to drive the implementation of the Metaverse, including intelligent sensing, digital twin (DT), space-air-ground-sea integrated network (SAGSIN), multi-access edging computing (MEC), blockchain, and the involved security issues.
Journal of ICT Standardisation – 6G Enabling Technologies & Innovation 6G

Edited by Dr Anand Prasad, this collection of 6G-focussed articles explores the role of green business models, quantum computing, privacy and more.
Japan’s Beyond 5G Promotion Consortium White Paper “Message to the 2030s”

The White Paper Subcommittee has considered Beyond 5G, which is expected to be commercialized around 2030, assuming future daily life of users and a wide range of usage scenarios that span many industries. Through this study with various perspective, we examined the requirements that a communication system as a social infrastructure should have. We also considered Beyond 5G key concepts, network requirements, capabilities, architectures, and key technologies based on usage scenarios and future technology.
Based on these studies, this white paper summarizes issues and expectations from each industry for Beyond 5G, capabilities required for Beyond 5G, and technological trends, etc.
Penn State University: Researchers Engineer Electrically Tunable Graphene Device To Study Rare Physics – India Education Diary

Researchers, co-led by the University of Manchester (UK) and Penn State (USA) have developed a tunable graphene-based platform that allows fine control over the interaction between light and matter in the terahertz (THz) spectrum to reveal rare phenomena known as exceptional points.
The work could advance optoelectronic technologies to better generate, control and sense light and potentially impact wireless communications, according to the researchers. They demonstrated a way to control THz waves, which could contribute to the development of beyond-5G wireless networks.
6G: The Personal Tactile Internet And Open Questions for Information Theory – Information Theory Society

The hype around 5G is, again, focusing on business customers, in particular in the context of campus networks. Consequently, 6G must provide an infrastructure to enable remote-controlled mobile robotic solutions for everyone—the Personal Tactile Internet. Which role can information and communication theory play in this context, and what are the big challenges ahead?