Dr. Kentaro Ishizu received B.S., M.S. and Ph.D degrees in computer science and engineering from Kyushu university, respectively in 2021, 2003 and 2005. Since then, he has been working with National Institute of Information and Communications Technology (NICT) and dedicated to R&D on wireless communication systems focusing on heterogeneous networking, cognitive radio, TV white space system, and local 5G (private 5G).
The research style is not limited to logical study and simulations, but extended to its prototyping, field experiments, and international standardization such as IEEE802, ETSI and 3GPP. His current interests include Beyond 5G/6G architecture as open service platform enabling cross-industry orchestration.
From April 2021, Dr. Ishizu is directing a newly launched Beyond 5G Design Initiative at NICT, where his team is responsible for R&D strategy on Beyond 5G/6G, development of international R&D activities, facilitation for academic-industry collaborations, and technical information dissemination including the Beyond 5G/6G white papers that NICT has published since 2021.
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