Industry News : 5G Americas: WRC-23 Challenges Set the Stage for North America Towards 6G

5G Americas: WRC-23 Challenges Set the Stage for North America Towards 6G

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Telecom association 5G Americas announced a new white paper on the challenges and optimal solutions for advancing 6G in North America. “Spectrum in North America: The Impact of WRC-23” digests some key outcomes from the World Radiocommunication Conference held in November 2023.

According to 5G Americas, WRC-23 highlighted the need for new exclusive use of internationally harmonised spectrum bands to strengthen the region’s leadership in 5G and future 6G technologies. Decisions made at WRC-23 are pivotal for North America, affecting key spectrum bands such as 3.3-3.4 GHz, 3.6-3.8 GHz, and 10-10.5 GHz, which are essential for enhancing capacity, coverage, and overall network performance.

“The spectrum identified for international mobile telecommunications in North America is heavily encumbered, with significant challenges related to coexistence and relocation of incumbent services, particularly in bands like 3.1-3.45 GHz and 7.125-8.4 GHz,” said Viet Nguyen, Vice President of PR and Technology at 5G Americas.

Additionally, upper mid-band frequencies are seen as the most promising for economical, wide-area 6G deployments. The upper mid-band spectrum, particularly within the 7.125-15.35 GHz frequency range, is identified as best suited to meet future mobile network demands due to its capacity and coverage trade-offs.

“Despite some ITU advancements, the United States faces a significant challenge with its current mid-band spectrum allocation, which trails behind global competitors,” the association pointed out in a press release.

“Spectrum is the oxygen for our industry, and North America could soon have a deficit compared to other countries,” said Brian Daly, AT&T Fellow and AVP of Standards & Industry Alliances and working group leader on the white paper. Daly also acts as co-chair of the FCC Technological Advisory Council’s 6G working group.

“Collaboration between governments, industry, and international bodies is essential to ensure that the spectrum identified at WRC-23 is available under suitable regulatory conditions,” he added.




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