

Webinar: Getting 6G-Ready – The Next Generation of People and Skills

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The skills needed for a successful career in telecoms are changing fast; on top of networking capabilities lies an understanding of IT, AI, cloud and cybersecurity in ways which are rapidly changing. How do we train, recruit and retain enough skilled people to secure a future for the industry?

In the course of an action-packed hour, join experts from across the spectrum to discuss the changes they see, the steps we are taking and the ones we need to take. Gain a broad understanding across the market and put your questions to people making a difference.

Who should listen?

Anyone wanting to gain a global view of the long-term trends in the telecoms industry and the skills we will need to realise the promise of future telecoms.

Experts in strategy; competition; technology; regulation; policy; recruitment. Investors, inventors, academics. Professionals in the cloud, content, IT, cybersecurity and satellite industries.


CEO & Founder, 6G Academy
2024 President & CEO, IEEE
Head of Network Managed Services, Ericsson
Senior Lecturer, RF Antennas & Propagation, University of Surrey