ICT Orchestration: A Critical Priority for 6G

The white paper is a must-read for anyone interested in being able to deliver seamless services to customers and grow the opportunity for networks to be more than a dumb pipe for enterprises.
Conceptualizing Security in a 6G World

The advent of 6G wireless communications is still about a decade away. Nonetheless, initial discussion around emerging technologies and potential applications for this next generation has already begun.
Sustainability in New and Emerging Technologies

The vast bulk of the savings are related to IoT-enabled applications, which together account for in excess of 95% of both electricity and fuel saved. This is due to the fact that IoT represents the interface of new technological environments to the ‘real world’, and it is in the real world where most energy is used and most savings can be made.
6G: The Network Of Technology Convergence

Cellular technology evolution across multiple generations has consistently sustained the global economic growth. Each of these generations has uniquely contributed to boosting the world Gross Domestic Product (GDP) by addressing key industry pain-points and enabling new business opportunities not possible with previous generation networks. 6G will not be an exception here.