i2CAT White Paper: Shaping the 6G Vision

Barcelona research organisation i2CAT has released a vision paper outlining the overall nature of what 6G might be and the challenges reaching that goal. They also include information about how their own capabilities will assist in doing so.

The identification of 6G use cases is key to predicting major trends in future usage scenarios and will help to steer the needs and requirements for future generational change. Therefore, operators, technology suppliers and academic advisors in NGMN joined forces and contributed their views on which 6G use cases they predict will emerge in the future decade. The result is published in NGMN’s “6G Use Cases and Analysis” White Paper.
6G Fundamentals: Vision and Enabling Technologies – David Soldani

This research article, published in the “Journal of Telecommunications and the Digital Economy”, covers off some of the key elements for 6G’s development, including elements such as security by design.
6G and the UN SDGs: Where is the Connection? – Oulu

Sustainability, especially through the UN SDGs, and the future 6G wireless networks, cannot be treated in isolation, but a clear connection between them is urgently needed. This paper extends from traditional green communications and energy efficiency considerations in wireless communications to establishing a close connection between 6G and the triple bottom line of economic sustainability, societal sustainability, and environmental sustainability.
IEEE & Queens University Belfast: Road to 6G, 10 Physical Layer Challenges
This paper by Queens University Belfast, published in the IEEE Communications Magazine, looks at some of the fundamental problems that pertain to key physical layer enablers for 6G. This includes highlighting challenges related to intelligent reflecting surfaces, cell-free massive MIMO and THz communications. Our analysis covers theoretical modeling challenges, hardware implementation issues and scalability among others. The paper concludes by delineating the critical role of signal processing in the new era for wireless communications.