6G Initiative Hexa-X Supported by EU Radar Programme

6G European initiative Hexa-X had three innovations awarded by the Radar programme. Check out the video and learn more
Can India Live Up to its 6G Ambitions?

Despite ongoing delays with the implementation of 5G, Prime Minister Narendra Modi recently predicted that India will not only adopt 6G by the end of the decade but also play a role in setting global standards. But how likely are the 6G ambitions of this still-developing nation to come to fruition?
6G Flagship Has Open Positions for Researchers

Finnish initiative 6G Flagship has five positions available for antennas researchers. Check the video and learn more
FCC expands partnership with BEREC – Capacity Media
Research on 6G Speeding Up in the US

In 2020, ATIS urged the US administration to gather telco players together and take the lead in 6G research; has the scenario changed?