5G Americas: WRC-23 Challenges Set the Stage for North America Towards 6G

Telecom association 5G Americas announced a new white paper on the challenges and optimal solutions for advancing 6G in North America. “Spectrum in North America: The Impact of WRC-23” digests some key outcomes from the World Radiocommunication Conference held in November 2023. According to 5G Americas, WRC-23 highlighted the need for new exclusive use of […]
Full Duplex, XR and ATSC 3.0 in FCC 6G Working Group’s Horizon

The FCC’s Technological Advisory Council (TAC) met in the last week of August to update its progress. While some topics the TAC’s 6G working group raised showed an industry trend, others sounded like creative approaches. Among the most recurring themes was video, which has been regarded as a strong 6G use case since the beginning. […]
ESA Selects Winner to Build 6G Satellite Precursor in Europe

The European Space Agency (ESA) has selected German company Tesat to develop and build its first 6G satellite precursor. Tesat will join a consortium of five other institutions, and one confirmed supplier. The 6G laboratory in orbit (called 6G LINO) will produce a 16U CubeSat – a small satellite with specific dimensions – and bring […]
KT and LG Joining Forces to Lead 6G Standardisation, Full-Duplex Tech

South Korean companies KT and LG announced they will cooperate to promote research and development and technology standardisation in 6G, including full-duplex. More specifically, they will work on three main areas: Developing next-generation transmission technology, full-duplex communication technology Collaborating on global standardisation Discovering differentiated 6G application services KT and LG will develop wideband full-duplex communication […]
FCC’s Advisory Committee Presents 6G Positions for Approval

The WRC-27 Advisory Committee (WAC), set up by the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) in the US, has offered two possible positions regarding 6G spectrum. The group presented the alternative views at an FCC meeting on Monday. According to Daudeline Meme, chair of the working group focussed on mobile and fixed services and VP at Verizon, […]