Eyeing 6G: Nokia and Telia Run Massive MIMO Trial in the Upper 6 GHz

Nokia and Telia announced they have successfully completed a field pilot in the upper 6 GHz spectrum band range. This frequency has recently arisen as a potential solution for the allocation problem 6G is already subject to. Nokia utilised a 128TRX Massive MIMO radio based on its AirScale Habrok platform and a test terminal from […]
6G Flagship to Assist Finland’s Defence and Security Efforts

The University of Oulu announced that its Faculty of Information Technology and Electrical Engineering (ITEE) has joined the Digital Defence Ecosystem (DDE), a collaboration ecosystem to advance Finland’s defence and security capabilities. Finnish initiative 6G Flagship will play an important role in research, the university said. The announcement comes two months after the North Atlantic […]
Women in 6G Initiative Aiming to Help Close the Gender Gap in Telecoms

“I’m an engineer by choice and an entrepreneur by chance, to be very honest.” That’s how Pavithra Nagaraj, founder of the Women in 6G initiative, described her unique path in a field dominated by male professionals who commonly stick with research only. “Unique” because, unlike many of her peers, the BMS College of Engineering (India) […]
Samsung and Arm to Research 6G Processing Technique

Samsung Research and semiconductor and software design company Arm announced they are collaborating to advance parallel packet processing technology for 6G networks. More specifically, the tech giants will focus on Single Instruction Multiple Data (SIMD). SIMD is a technique in which one instruction can process multiple data elements simultaneously. This approach is used, among other […]