6GSymposium Fall Partners with ATIS’ Next G Alliance, InterDigital and Northeastern University

Held September 21 – 22 in Washington, D.C., with opportunities for both virtual and in-person engagement, this hybrid event will bring together a diverse group of experts from across government, research, and industry to share and examine perspectives around North America’s evolution beyond 5G.
Navigating 6G Spectrum & Standardisation Roadmaps Requires Coordination

Reaching 6G will take a largely unified approach, according to experts speaking on its eventual delivery at the Spring 2021 6GSymposium.
Debatable Frequencies: Where Does the Terahertz Band Start?

It’s easy to find examples of people using either 100 GHz or 300 GHz to define the Terahertz band. But is there a right answer?
Editor’s Note: 6G – Some Assembly Required

The 6G Hype Cycle is being pedalled fast these days, it seems. Is there a genuine underlying need for this? We argue yes (of course), but voices from beyond telecoms do too. A whole new set of stakeholders has to pull together if we want to build something fit for purpose.
Northeastern University Showcases Demo at 6GSymposium Fall
Northeastern University showcased several demos at the 6GSymposium Fall in Washington, D.C. Here’s a walkthrough of one of their projects