“It’s a Paradigm Shift” – Ecosystem Enablement, Partner Management and OSS/BSS Transformation For the 2020s
Telco Republic’s recent research on telecoms OSS/BSS disruptors gives insights into telecoms business models for the decade ahead. 6GWorld spoke to their Founder Martina Kurth and Netcracker CSO Ari Banerjee.
Beyond the byte – rethinking CHF for 5G enterprise services – Enterprise IoT Insights
CMO Interview: Rethinking the Commercial and Operational Approach to Telecoms
Rakuten’s CMO Geoff Hollingworth spells out key opinions on how he sees telecoms’ commercial and operational models need to change.
New CSP Business Models Required For 5G-6G Success
What does it mean to be entering an era of immersive data? How does that change the business and operating models of companies that used to be all about communications? This interview with Marc Price of Matrixx explores the fundamentals of making money in the coming decade.