Demand for edge computing is taking longer than expected to develop – Light Reading
Internet Governance Discussions – Opening a 6G Cash Register?

While internet governance sounds only marginally relevant, there are some interesting opportunities available for those who can step in with solutions. Players in both internet and telecoms have the scope do exactly that, influencing the future of lives online as well as building whole new areas of business.
6GSymposium Round-Up, Day 2: New Mindsets, New Relations and Making Money

in Day Two, speakers from around the world covered off a host of issues related to the commercial success of Beyond-5G services. The analysis explored what has gone wrong in the past and what needs to change for the coming generation of telecoms to be a commercial success – not just for the vendors but for the operators and their partner ecosystems.
The day underlined the point that the real evolution towards 6G may need to be in the industry’s mindsets, relationships and business models, with technology serving as an enabler rather than a driver.