Smart Cities Need Smart Data

With urbanisation bringing increasing numbers of people into cities, why has the smart city movement been slow to take off? One vital answer lies in how data has found its way into the hands of urban planners. But there are bright sparks illuminating cities, from the smartest to the most chaotic.
The Climb to the Top of the Smart Factory Data Pyramid

The smart factories of the future are set to be considerably more efficient. The destination on the road map from 5G to 6G isn’t necessarily a shock in that regard. How to get to that point, through the analysis of data, might be, though.
Guest Post: 6G at MWC – Here’s What’s Really Needed to Make It a Success
As mobile moves from 4G and 5G towards 6G, capacity will grow. Dr Christoph Dietzel from DE-CIX explores what this means for physical infrastructure.