Towards Decentralized Identity Management in Multi-stakeholder 6G Networks – arxiv
Money And Property in the 2020s – Are Telcos Ready For What’s Coming?

The rollout and evolution of 5G is being marked by discussions around open systems,; innovation on top of platforms, decentralisation and coordination using blockchain or decentralised ledgers. During the decade ahead, and the evolution from 5G to 6G, these new developments look set to reshape the telecoms landscape and operating models.
Strikingly, the evolution of financial services and of the metaverse – fundamental to any future digital economy -are being underpinned by similar forces to telecoms’ own evolution and are liable to co-evolve over the coming decade. There are both lessons and opportunities in these that the telecoms market would be wise to explore.
So What Is Needed to Enable the Metaverse?

On October 28th this year Facebook’s CEO and co-founder Mark Zuckerberg officially made public the company’s intentions to create its version of the metaverse, Horizon. Some days later, Microsoft announced it was bringing 3D avatars into Teams. And Decentraland’s cryptocurrency grew 45% in 24 hours with so many moves in the metaverse field. Yes, everybody’s […]
Decentralized federated learning for extended sensing in 6G connected vehicles – ScienceDirect
In this paper we investigate distributed federated learning (FL) for augmenting the capability of road user/object classification based on Lidar data. More specifically, we propose a new modular, decentralized approach, referred to as consensus-driven FL (C-FL), suitable for PointNet compliant deep machine learning architectures and Lidar point cloud processing for road actor classification.