ETSI launches a new group on Terahertz, a candidate technology for 6G – TelecomTV
Unleashing 5G & 6G with AI-empowered Automation – Pipeline Magazine
Standards Towards 6G: “Everything Is At An Inflection”

When people share visions for what 6G might be, it is taken as read that there will be a standardisation process. What that process might look like, and who is involved, could be very different from before. 6GWorld talks to ETSI’s David Boswarthick about the pressures standardisation faces when delivering on future generations.
ETSI Announces Second Release on Self-Adapting Autonomous Networks
Does DECT-NR Have The Commercial Legs For 5G And Beyond?

The ITU recently recognised ETSI’s new standard for DECT as part of 5G’s IMT-2020 technology standards, supporting IoT use cases in URLLC and eMTC. What should we make of this? 6GWorld unravels the promise and the challenges ahead for the new DECT.