Securing ArtificiaI Intelligence (SAI); The role of hardware in security of AI – ETSI
ETSI’s newly published report gives an overview of the roles of general-purpose and specialized hardware, such as neural processors and neural networks, in enabling the security of AI. The report identifies hardware vulnerabilities and common weaknesses in AI systems and outlines the mitigations available in hardware to prevent attacks, as well as the general requirements on hardware to support the security of AI (SAI).
IEEE & Queens University Belfast: Road to 6G, 10 Physical Layer Challenges
This paper by Queens University Belfast, published in the IEEE Communications Magazine, looks at some of the fundamental problems that pertain to key physical layer enablers for 6G. This includes highlighting challenges related to intelligent reflecting surfaces, cell-free massive MIMO and THz communications. Our analysis covers theoretical modeling challenges, hardware implementation issues and scalability among others. The paper concludes by delineating the critical role of signal processing in the new era for wireless communications.