How Beyond-5G Technologies Will Enhance the Human Experience

Will technologies enabled by 5G and beyond change the way we live? Can they improve how we experience the world or is it just hype?
Podcast – Improving the Human Experience

In this episode of the Tech 2030 podcast, Verizon’s Ganesh Harinath shares his views of how the human experience will evolve in the next decade
Podcast – The EverydAI Intelligence

In this episode, Detlef Nauck talks about the application of AI and ML in telecommunications and how it affects you and me
A Comprehensive Look Forward, Toward 6G Use Cases and Technologies

6G is on the minds of many in the tech community, even in the early phases of 5G deployment. There’s a reason behind that.
The Role of AI & Machine Learning in 6G Wireless Networks: 6GSymposium
This session of the 6GSymposium addressed the current status of AI and machine learning in the network and issues to overcome in order to reach the levels of pervasive, intelligent systems needed in advanced 5G and 6G networks. Experts from DARPA, Deepsig, Nvidia, InterDigital and UCLA share their thoughts and handle audience questions under the guidance of Northeastern’s Kaushik Chaudhary.