Guest Editorial: Is 6G really going to be 6G or simply be part of the metaverse?
How revolutionary will 6G be? Is it likely to be a relatively small step forward, with the use cases really the revolutionary piece? Ernest Worthman examines the evidence so far.
Blockchain and NFT Are Changing the Art World. But How Exactly?
Digital art has skyrocketed in popularity in 2021, when the term NFT became mainstream and NFT sales reached US$ 24.9 billion
How The Metaverse Could Give 5G Wireless And 6G A Boost – Editorials24
Podcast – Looking Ahead
6GWorld Managing Editor Alex Lawrence discusses how 2021 has impacted our lives and what we can expect from AI, 5G, and 6G in 2022
So What Is Needed to Enable the Metaverse?
On October 28th this year Facebook’s CEO and co-founder Mark Zuckerberg officially made public the company’s intentions to create its version of the metaverse, Horizon. Some days later, Microsoft announced it was bringing 3D avatars into Teams. And Decentraland’s cryptocurrency grew 45% in 24 hours with so many moves in the metaverse field. Yes, everybody’s […]