Sensing, deep learning, massive MIMO: 6G begins to take shape – Light Reading
Prepare for the foreseeable future of 6G – EurekAlert
Indian Institute Announces 6G MIMO Demonstration
IITH announced it has developed a 6G extreme Massive MIMO demonstration, which uses a vast array of antennas to increase transmission power
Creonic GmbH is Heavily Invested in the Expansion and Research of 6G Technologies – Design & Reuse
Behind the Scenes of the Mavenir-Xilinx OpenRAN Massive MIMO Portfolio
Xilinx and Mavenir today issued a joint press release announcing their collaboration on an OpenRAN massive MIMO (mMIMO) portfolio for 4G and 5G. Ahead of the public announcement 6GWorld™ spoke with key executives at both companies to find out more about what lies behind the announcement and what this may mean for the evolution of radio networks.