AceFL: Federated Learning Accelerating in 6G-enabled Mobile Edge Computing Networks – IEEE

Heterogeneity among distributed edge devices and the limitation of resources may degrade the training efficiency of Federated Edge Learning over 6G-enabled mobile edge computing (MEC) networks. Taking this challenge into account, a novel federated learning scheme is proposed in this paper to accelerate the training process.
Áika: A Distributed Edge System for AI Inference – MDPI

In this paper, we present Áika, a robust system for executing distributed
Artificial Intelligence (AI) applications on the edge. Áika provides engineers and researchers with
several building blocks in the form of Agents, which enable the expression of computation pipelines
and distributed applications with robustness and privacy guarantees.
Quantum Machine Learning: A Tutorial –

This tutorial provides an overview of Quantum Machine Learning (QML), a relatively novel discipline that brings together concepts from Machine Learning (ML), Quantum Computing (QC) and Quantum Information (QI).
6G Networks: What You Need to Know – Techopedia
It’s no secret that the tech industry is advancing incredibly fast. Advances in Artificial Intelligence (AI), Machine Learning (ML), Automation, Robotics
Air Hockey and Sign Language Translation Among AR Research Topics

Researchers at Brazilian University of Campinas have teamed up with Qualcomm to develop a series of experiences for AR glasses