36 Transformative Technology Stats for 2021 and Beyond – ABI
We are at the very beginnings of a massive technological evolution and the forecasts presented in this paper are but tea leaves in the fortune teller’s cup. However, they are important directional indicators
of the technology-enabled world of the future based on ABI’s research.
EU telcos call for mandatory bargaining with tech giants to contribute to network costs – Telecompaper
New CSP Business Models Required For 5G-6G Success
What does it mean to be entering an era of immersive data? How does that change the business and operating models of companies that used to be all about communications? This interview with Marc Price of Matrixx explores the fundamentals of making money in the coming decade.
Holistic Security and Networking A Key To Telco Differentiation
6GWorld spoke to Sunil Ravi, Chief Security Architect at Versa Networks, about the impact of the pandemic on enterprise services; challenges facing the secure delivery of enterprise 5G; and opportunities for telecoms players to differentiate themselves in a software-driven environment.