Eric Fournier

Eric Fournier

Director for Spectrum Planning and International Affairs, ANFR

Eric Fournier is currently Director for Spectrum Planning and International Affairs in the Agence Nationale des Fréquences (ANFR), the French public agency in charge of spectrum management (www.anfr.fr).

In this capacity, he is responsible for preparing the revisions of the French national table of spectrum allocation and for coordinating French positions in international meetings on spectrum within ITU, CEPT and EU. He was deputy head of the French delegation for RRC-06, WRC-07, WRC-12, WRC-15 and WRC-19.

He has been involved in all discussions on major evolution of spectrum in Europe and was  Chairman of the Electronic Communication Committee (CEPT/ECC) from 2013 to 2018 and of the European Conference Preparatory Group for the World Radiocommunications Conference 2012 (CPG-12).

He is currently the chairman of the RSPG Good Offices addressing issues of cross-border coordination and interference within the EU.

Eric is a graduate telecom engineer from SUPELEC (France).