Seppo Yrjölä received the D.Sc. degree in telecommunications engineering from the University of Oulu. He is currently an Adjunct Professor and a Professor of Practice with the Faculty of Information Technology and Electrical Engineering, University of Oulu, in the field of techno-economics. He is also a Principal Engineer at Nokia Enterprise and has been building radios for 30 years in research, development, innovation, and business development. He incubates and steers opportunities externally with customers, partners, academia, and governments with the aim of driving growth by innovating holistically from technology to business models. Previously, he was the Head of the Wireless Technology for the Networks Division, Nokia, his role required looking beyond the product roadmap and identifying what new trends, technologies, and tools were on the horizon, and determining and validating how those future opportunities fit into the Nokia pipeline. He has been awarded more than 10 million in competitive research funding as the lead investigator, authored more than 100 peer-reviewed publications, and holds several patents in the radio domain. He conducts multidisciplinary research combining technology, business, and regulatory aspects. His current mission is digitalizing the 70% of the GDP that has yet to be digitalized to drive massive productivity growth and new business. With his roots in engineering and economics, he explores how and why platform-based ecosystemic business models can emerge in the future wireless systems context.
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