Merouane Debbah


Mérouane Debbah is Chief Researcher at the Technology Innovation Institute in Abu Dhabi. He is an Adjunct Professor with the Department of Machine Learning at the Mohamed Bin Zayed University of Artificial Intelligence. He received the M.Sc. and Ph.D. degrees from the Ecole Normale Supérieure Paris-Saclay, France. He was with Motorola Labs, Saclay, France, from […]

Marja Matinmikko-Blue


Marja Matinmikko-Blue is Research Director of the Infotech Oulu Institute and Director of Sustainability & Regulation at 6G Flagship at the University of Oulu, Finland, where she also holds an Adjunct Professor position in spectrum management. Marja completed her Doctor of Science degree in communications engineering in 2012, and Doctor of Philosophy degree in management […]

Marie-Paule Odini


Marie-Paule Odini is Distinguished Technologist in HPE Telecom organization focusing on 5G, AI, OSS and Sustainability. She is also Chair of North America 6G ‘Next G Alliance’ Green G working group, and active in many other standards & industry forums including ETSI, GSMA, TMForum, NGMN and IEEE. She holds a Master Degree in EE from […]

Liang Liu


Liang Liu is Associate Professor at the department of Electronical and Information Technology (EIT), Lund University, Sweden. Liang Liu received his Ph.D. degree in 2010 from Fudan University, China. He joined Lund University as Post-doc in 2010 and was Assistant Professor 2014-2015. His main research interests are digital integrated circuit design and prototype systems development […]

Max Schultze


Max Schulze is the Founder of the Sustainable Digital Infrastructure Alliance (SDIA). With a background as a software engineer and a cloud expert, Max brings his experience to measuring the footprint of the digital economy as well as advancing the SDIA’s roadmap towards making it sustainable and  future- proof. Throughout his career, he has dedicated […]