6G & The Future of Hip Hop
We are promised an increasingly immersive world of entertainment: virtual and augmented reality, AI, metaverse and more, carried on new networks as revolutionary in their way as the internet. Is that realistic? Hip Hop is celebrating its 50th anniversary but what will Hip Hop in the 2030s feel like and what new experiences can we achieve? Join pioneers and creatives building the future of content to understand how things will change for you.
6G & The Future of Work
We saw how the pandemic changed working practices. Is there more change on the horizon? Is the promise of working anywhere, anytime possible and should we even want it? If automation takes away some of our work, when is that a good thing or a bad thing? Can we use AI to run side-hustles for us? Let’s explore what the next decade could or should bring, the risks and the remedies.
6G & The Future of Family
Is family life under threat? Old ways of managing relationships are changing as families live further apart. Younger generations have very different experiences and expectations growing up compared to older ones, different ways of socialising and different ways of forming relationships. At the same time, it’s never been easier to interact with people across the planet. What might family life be like in the 2030s? How best can generations in the 6G era bridge their divides?
6G & The Future of Sex
We are more connected today than ever, but there is a loneliness epidemic and a disjunction between intimacy and porn. With AI, robotics and chatbots becoming more convincing, how will this impact our relationship with inter-personal sexuality, and that of generations growing up?
6G & The Future of Social Media
In this fireside chat, we explore the way that social media could (and perhaps should) change in a new age of connections. With 1.5 million Instagram followers, join successful influencer Myla Tkachenko as we explore what works today and what’s next.
6G and AI – Does Humanity Have A Future?
They say technology is value-neutral, and it’s how you use it that matters. While some people are excited by what emerging tech can bring, many are worried by its potential to do great harm. Can we build these new technologies in a way that makes them ethical? And whose ethics – that of the man on the street or the billionaire banker?
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